
Friday, 29 August 2014

Netball Explanation


Do you know how to play netball?  All you need to know is the positions, how to play the positions and the rules about how to play netball. First of all you will need to know about the positions.

The positions in netball are  kind of  hard. You  have to remember where to stand, where to run, where you're not allowed to step or run with the ball. The positions are C, WD, WA, GD, GA, GK and finally GS. The C stands for center, WD stands for wing defence, WA stands for wing attack, GD stands for goal defence, GA stands for goal attack, GK stands for goal keep and last but not least is GS stands for goal shoot. All of these positions are played on the court and have tactics to play the positions.

The netball court is divided into thirds. The GS stands at the shooting third and the GK stand at the defending third. They are only allowed in there own third. GA, GD, WA, and WD are allowed in two thirds. The GA and GD are allowed in the shooting third and the center third. The WA and WD are allowed in the defending third and the center third. Next is C (center), they are allowed all over the court, but not in the shooting semicircle and the defending semicircle. GA and GS are the only ones that are allowed to shoot for their team. GK and GD are the only ones that are allowed in the defending circle, but WD and WA have to try and get the ball down to their shooting side. In your team you have to have a really good GS because when they shoot you will get a lot points.

The rules are an important things to remember you have make sure your fingernails aren’t allowed to be over your fingertips they have to be no more than 1 mm long. You also aren’t allowed to wear jewellery while playing, you can’t run/walk with the ball, you must be at least 3 feet away from your opponents when they have the ball, and you can’t hit the ball out of your opponents hands when they have it.  You aren’t allowed to go over your boundaries, and you can’t bounce the ball while chasing after it. You would need to follow these rules, if you want to play netball professionally.

I hope you have learnt something about netball. Now you know the positions and how to play your positions and last of all you know the rules. So when you play you know everything about it, and maybe you would end up playing for the silver ferns.  


Thursday, 28 August 2014

If It were only yesterday

I remember as if it were yesterday
My Nan always used to say that phrase “I remember as if were yesterday.” She used to say that whenever something triggers an old memory and every times she says it she tells me her stories and where they took place. My Nan loved that saying, she would say it while looking out into the meadow. Sometimes she would only say it in her sleep but not anymore. My Nan who always said that has passed, but on her gravestone says “I remember as if it were yesterday”.  

The Beach

The beach
Linda and Chloe wandered around the beach they saw large shells and small shells. Big slimy seaweed was washed up on the sand. The sand was such a bright yellow it looked like the sun was on the ground.